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January 8, 2024

5 Standout Travel Trends for 2024

a hotel guest relaxing in a swimming pool with palm trees in the background.

In the ever-evolving landscape of travel, 2024 promises to be a year marked by diverse trends that cater to the needs and desires of every generation. Here are some key insights that will shape the way we travel in the year ahead. 

1. Travelers Will Prioritize Sleep

One of the is the growing emphasis on sleep quality during travel. Whether it’s Millennials, Gen Z, Gen X, or Baby Boomers, every generation is on the move and recognizing the importance of a well-rested journey. Travelers are increasingly willing to invest in accommodations that prioritize a peaceful night’s sleep. paints a vivid picture of the diverse travel preferences and expectations, providing insights into the evolving travel landscape.

One innovative way to help guests get the rest they need is by implementing a pillow menu to cater to all sleep styles and tastes. 

2. Sustainable Tourism: A Driving Force in Travel Choices

More than half of global travelers (53%) are actively seeking accommodations that showcase sustainability innovation. In the United States, a staggering 64% of travelers consider sustainable travel to be of paramount importance. , this growing consciousness reflects a global commitment to eco-friendly and responsible tourism. 

Our VersaValet™ and VersaTowel® products are designed to improve your property’s sustainability while optimizing time and reducing inventory costs. 

Learn more about what we’re doing at ¶¶Òõapp to solve the needs of customers while contributing to a healthier environment. 

3. Water-Centric Getaways

Escaping to water-centric getaways is a rising trend, with 36% of travelers actively seeking destinations centered around water. 75% of travelers experience instant relaxation by the water’s edge. Pool towels become an essential component of the perfect water-centric retreat. 

Consistent excellence throughout your property is an investment in guest satisfaction – don’t let an oversight in poolside comfort compromise your property’s reputation! Explore pool towel options.

Group of people throwing hotel pool towels for wholesale in the air

4. US Travelers on the Move

Despite global uncertainties, 85% of US travelers are gearing up to take the same number, if not more, trips abroad in 2024 compared to the previous year. This resilience underscores the enduring passion for exploration among American travelers. 

“Our 2024 travel predictions reflect the idea that travel is not a means to escape life, but instead a catalyst to live our best lives,” Arjan Dijk, the SVP and CMO at Booking.com, said in a statement. “From thrilling adventures in a new destination to feeling the pulse of a new culture and every experience in between, travel allows us to become the best version of ourselves.” 

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5. Mixing Business with Leisure

The blending of business and leisure travel, often referred to as “bleisure,” is gaining traction. the importance of creating comfortable environments for guests who seamlessly transition between work and play during their trips. Whether business or pleasure, guests will appreciate the added touch of a luxurious bath robe to unwind and relax in style.

As we step into 2024, the travel industry is set to embrace a dynamic blend of restful retreats, sustainable choices, and affordable luxury experiences. These insightful reports provide a roadmap for both travelers and the hospitality industry to navigate these trends, ensuring a memorable and fulfilling travel experience for all.